Earn money by PHTOGRAPHY
A best to make money by photography - Money Making Ideas
This is a very interesting way to making money by photography, you can collect a huge pictures stock and have some business contacts to sell them as well as on your website and from other marketing sources. Like email marketing, SMS marketing and putting some banners on other relevant websites
Collecting images
It is required a professional photography sense and also can collect it through internet and some of other sources like websites who provide free Images,
No matter what stage you are at or what experience you have, if you can take a half decent photograph, you are on the way to making money with your camera. It may take time to get started, but if it was that easy, EVERYONE would do it.
Now, obviously as a beginner, you won't be going out and doing society weddings or anything at this stage. You need to get to know your camera, how it works and then start to use it to your best advantage. The first thing you should maybe look at is selling your images as stock as detailed further down the page.